Monday, July 16, 2012

Army ROTC LDAC Educator Visit Day One

This week I am in Olympia, WA, attending the Army ROTC Leadership Development and Assessment Course Educator Visit. I am writing a feature for the Winter 2013 issue of the UT Journal about UT's ROTC program and thought this would be a great opportunity to get a glimpse into what ROTC is all about.

Today was an exciting day. First I fired my first gun, a rifle ...

Then I tried my hand at grenade and mortar launchers ...

We ended the day with rappeling down 17 foot and 37 walls and what they refer to as the "Slide for Life," which was basically zip lining from a 57' tower into the water. Terrifying, thrilling, invigorating ...

Can't wait to see what they have in store for us tomorrow!