Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Day of Celebration

Since Blake and I both had to work yesterday (he closed), we did most of our birthday celebrations today. First we let her open her gifts from us, a new dress for her party and Easter and the only Build A Bear pony she didn't have, Muffins (aka Derpy).

Then we had brunch over at Grammy and Pops' house and she opened their gifts, which included an ice cream maker and new clothes for the spring and summer.

Finally we met up with friends at Build A Bear for her birthday party, which was so much fun. All the kids got to pick out a bear and an outfit for their bear, and we enjoyed seeing what their choices were. ( A special thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for helping make this party happen!)

Thank you to everyone for all the birthday love and wishes and for helping to make Darcy feel so special. We are truly blessed!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Birthday Girl

Our sweet Darcy is 5 years old today! My how the time has flown. It feels like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital and now she is almost ready for Kindergarten! Happy birthday to our baby girl!