Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sweet Darcy

Halloween 2011

Evie's school had a Halloween Party.  Here she is with some of her friends in her classroom. 

 Our little girl can ride tricycles all by herself.  She can really scoot on these things! 

Baby Lucas and Darcy got to ride in the wagon while the adults were trick or treating.

The above video is of Evie trick or treating one of the local houses.  They had a very scary garage.  You can't see the man in the mask in there, but Evie did and promptly leaves when she spots him. 

Head Injuries & Haircuts

We had two milestones this week.  First was Evie's first stitches.  She took a bad bounce off the couch and cracked her head open on the corner of the coffee table.  It was bleeding really badly and required three stitches to get sealed up.  She had them off in a week, but it scared her mom and dad something fierce.  Also, while playing outside she got a mosquito bite to the right eyeball which caused her to look like Rocky for a few days.  You can see her scar from the stitches in the center of her forehead. 

Secondly, and more happily, Evie had her first haircut.  Below are the before and afters.  Her mom could only stand to have the back trimmed by an inch, but on her little head its very noticeable.  She was really good at the salon.  Didn't squirm or nothing!  

Fall Festival 2011

We went to the fall harvest festival in Bradenton several weeks ago.  By far Evie's favorite thing was the pony rides.

This was Evie's reaction to the fire juggler.

Playing carnival games for prizes and candy!