Sunday, July 31, 2016

Happy 8th to our Sweet Evie!!

Notice the difference in her excitement over receiving a new movie:

And a pair of socks:  

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Busch Gardens for Evie's Birthday

As part of Evie's birthday celebrations, we took the girls to Busch Gardens for the first time. It rained through most of the morning, so we weren't able to get in many rides. But we still enjoyed all the animal exhibits and just being together as a family.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Fourth of July Fun

We had lots of fun this year on Independence Day, including seeing Finding Dory:

a barbecue and swimming at Grammy and Pops' house (not pictured), and hanging out with friends at Waterset (one of the neighborhoods in our area) for food and fireworks: