Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Computer Time

Evie loves to play on the computer with Pops.

(Today is her half-birthday, by the way. Three and a half. Sigh. Where does the time go?)

Monday, January 30, 2012

First Day

Today was Darcy's first day at day care (so far her caregivers have been Daddy and Grammy). Though we were all afraid she would cry all day long, she did remarkably well. Her teachers said she ate really well and played really well, but she never took a nap. This evening, she was on fire! It's like if she stopped moving she'd fall asleep. So though this photo is a little fuzzy, it captures the manic mood she was in today. (Mohawk courtesty of Grammy.)

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Grammy made a delicious pot roast for dinner tonight.

 Evie acted like we were asking her to eat liver and onions.

Darcy couldn't shovel it in fast enough.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hoodie Obsession

Evie is obsessed with hoodies. She's even taken to sleeping in this one fairly regularly. One time I tried taking it off of her after she went to sleep and she woke up and had a fit. So I just let her be as I figure it's not harmful. Such a weirdo. (But in a good, sweet way.)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy First Birthday, Lucas!

Although his birthday was Jan. 3, we celebrated Lucas' birthday today with Ken, Tiffany, friends and family.

The birthday boy. Look at those pretty eyes!

Darcy and Lucas

Evie enjoyed a blue raspberry ring pop at the party.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Camped Out on the Back Patio

(For anyone who's worried, we didn't really let her sleep out there. This was just for pretend play.)

Friday, January 20, 2012


 I can put my hair up in a ponytail for the first time in three years! (It's the little things people.)

January 2012

January 2009

Thursday, January 19, 2012


These are Evie's new slippers.

Why is it that the cutest clothes for kids are miniature versions of things adults wear? 

(Thank you to Grammy for getting Evie these.)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Darcy and Dorene were wearing the same outfit today (totally coincedental).

While waiting for our supper, Pops got Evie to give different spices and food a try. (Nobody else would be able to get her to do this!)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Transitioning to Table Food

Darcy has been showing less and less interest in baby food and more and more interest in eating whatever we're eating. Tonight, I was eating a piece of cheese and she was screaming and grabbing for it! So for supper she had a slice of cheese, a half slice of bread, peas, a chopped up banana and then for dessert some yogurt melts and a ginger snap. Kind of nice not to always have to have pureed food on hand!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Movin' On Up

Evie likes her new booster seat*...

And the box it came in!

*We had to move her up to a booster seat to free up her convertible seat for Darcy.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I Can Hear Her...

But I can't see her...

(Darcy loves her sister and will look for her whenever she hears her voice. Here we were in her bedroom and Evie was in the bathroom they share. Evie was jabbering to Grammy and Darcy was trying to peek under the door to see her. So sweet.)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Evie's Perspective on Things

(There were 36 photos in all, including the last one from when I walked in and discovered this impromptu photography session. Thank God for digital cameras!)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Darcy has a little cold.

This picture sums up how she feels...

This is my aresenal of products to try to make her feel better: Johnson's Vapor Bath, saline spray and a nasal aspirator and Vick's Baby Rub.

Fingers crossed we will all get a good night's sleep tonight!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Crazy For Nick Jr.

Watching Wonder Pets while wearing Ni Hao Kai Lan pajamas and a Dora the Explorer back pack. Like her dad, Evie loves her cartoons!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hot Flash

Dorene unfortunately suffers from hot flashes throughout the day. For Christmas, she got a Maxine hot flash button that says four or so little quips about hot flashes. Evie loves to push this button and has memorized all of the sayings, as evidenced by the video above. Cracks. Me. Up.

Where's Darcy?


(Thank you to Aunt Kim for this adorable outfit.)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

After Nap Snack and Cartoons

We always let Evie watch some cartoon after her afternoon nap while she has her snack. She always insists on Kitty and blanket being a part of this ritual.

(Also, happy birthday to Grammy!)

Friday, January 6, 2012


I am cheating tonight. I did not take this picture and it was not taken today. My dad is an awesome photographer and always manages to capture the grandkids beautifully during our family gatherings. This week he posted pictures from our visit at Christmas and tonight I decided to share these with you. This is one of Darcy on Christmas morning, but there are many, many other great ones on his SmugMug site, which you can see here.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Reliving Her Babyhood?

Lately Evie has enjoyed playing with Darcy's toys just as much as her own. Evie's great grandmother (and namesake) gave Darcy this little piano for Christmas and, so far, Evie seems to be enjoying it more than Darcy!