Sunday, August 31, 2008


So we've been trying to get Evie into more of a routine, though she is by no means on a set schedule yet. We've been giving her a bath every night around 7ish and getting her in her footy pajamas. She usually nurses after her bath and then hangs out with us while we watch TV or read in bed. She'll nurse again around 9ish and then usually fall asleep for up to six hours (yay for Mommy!). However, once she's up at 3 a.m. she hasn't been wanting to go back to sleep so I am typically up with her until around 5 a.m. when I finally just put her down in her crib and let her fuss a bit or bring her into bed with Blake and I. Can't complain too much as she at least gives me that one long stretch of sleep. I am definitely looking forward to the days when I can get her on a set schedule for feeding and sleeping. That will make planning for things like errands and naps and chores a lot easier. But for now we continue to dance to Evie's drum!!

Baby Faces


First bottle of Mommy's milk from Daddy

That's not very polite!

Tuckered out

I have the same smooshy face as my daddy

Grandma Kornegay's Visit

Blake was out of town on business the last week of August so my mother came to stay with me to keep me company and help me with Evie. It was so nice to have some companionship while Blake was gone, and Mom was a huge help to me, making dinner, cleaning the kitchen, holding Evie when I needed a break (like I had to twist her arm on that one!). She even took me to Motherhood and bought me some nursing clothes to help make that part of my life a little easier. It was nice to get a few new things that actually fit and weren't sweatpants or a baggy t-shirt! Thanks, Mama!!

Introducing Evie to My Foundation Family

Mary Beth was thrilled to finally meet Miss Evie

Gabe and Evie

Ashley and Evelyn

Tracy and Evie

On Thursday, August 21, Evie and I visited my coworkers at the Foundation. Everyone couldn't get over how small she was and how alert. She loved staring up at the flourescent lighting and only got fussy a couple of times when she got hungry. It was good to see everyone and to get out of the house for a couple of hours. We will have to make a repeat visit in the next couple of weeks!

Monday, August 18, 2008

A Visit from the Chin Family

Jacob was delighted by his new cousin

Chloe was a champ at holding Evie

Aunt Kim supervises her kids and her new niece

We were so glad the Chin Family could come for a visit

Aunt Kim, Jacob and Baby Evie
My sister Kim brought her family to meet the new addition on August 15 & 16. While having a 7 year old, 4 year old, 2 year old and newborn in one house at the same time was a little overwhelming, I'm so glad my niece and nephews were able to meet their new cousin. Jacob was especially taken by Miss Evie and begged all day to see and hold the baby. Blake and I look forward to many more meetings between our families in the future :-)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grammy Mallard's Visit

Sleeping in Daddy's lap

Grammy Mallard showed Mommy how to give me a bath

Loving my first "real" bath

Look how well I hold my head up at just 12 days!

Grammy Mallard's got me

Blake had to go back to work on August 11 so his mother came to stay with me for a week. I was SO thankful to have her help as I was still very tired and sore from the birth and still trying to get the hang of nursing and caring for little Evie. She cleaned the house from top to bottom, filled the fridge, made us all kinds of goodies and just generally helped us with caring for Evie, changing diapers and holding her so I could have a break. Thank you, Dorene! You are the best!!

Hangin' at Home

Daddy-Daughter bonding

Love my little girl

First post-baby beer :-)


My dad came to stay with us the week before Evie arrived as he didn't want me to be alone when I went into labor. Evie's Mallard grandparents jumped in the car as soon as we called to let them know we were headed to the hospital to have her. My mother came up the Sunday after Evie was born to meet her newest grandchild and loved every minute of it.

Grandpa Kornegay with Evie

Grammy Mallard with Evie

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Welcome Evelyn Grace!

On July 31, 2008, our lives were forever changed by the arrival of our daughter, Evelyn Grace (better known as "Evie"). I was a day overdue and more than 6 cm dilated, so my midwife and I agreed to check me in to Labor & Delivery, break my water and see what happened. They broke my water just before 2 p.m. and Miss Evie arrived just 5 hours later at 7:23 p.m. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 3 oz and 18.7 in long. I had a completely natural delivery so both of us were very alert for hours after her birth. Blake was a wonderful coach and was just beaming when he was finally able to see and hold his little girl.