Thursday, February 2, 2012

Trying to capture Darcy walking...

With a really slow camera.

(Note to self: Must upgrade to camera with faster shutter speed.)


Bill Kornegay said...

What you need is one with a faster recycle time. The pictures of Darcy walking are not blurred because she moving to fast for the camera. I think you mean less time between shots.

Definition of recycle time: The time it takes for a camera to reset between flashing for one photo and the next. This can be crucial, as lengthy recycling times can make it hard to capture fast-moving moments like action or even a fast-moving pet or child.

Kiley said...

Thanks for the advice, Pops. Both of my cameras are extremely slow in taking the picture in the first place and so I often miss the moment I'm trying to capture and get one two-three seconds later. Very frustrating.