Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fun with Food

As Evie will be 8 months this Tuesday (March 31), we have been slowly expanding her menu of solid foods. For breakfast she now has either oatmeal, puffs or toast bits with some fruit; lunch is veggies (soon to include some protein); snack time includes another serving of fruit; and dinner is usually mixed grain cereal, veggies and often concludes with a "cookie" (which are really Gerber biter biscuits). We only give her these right before her bath as they seem to just melt and get all over her, her booster seat and anything else she comes into contact with. Blake and I have enjoyed watching her explore the flavors and textures of things that we take for granted (toast, chicken, water).
As she eats more and more solid foods and gets closer and closer to her first birthday, I am both excited and sad that the time will soon come to wean her from breastmilk. I've thoroughly enjoyed our nursing relationship and feel very proud that I've managed to keep it up this long considering I went back to work full time when she was only 12 weeks old. That being said, I am very much looking forward to having my body back to myself and not having to lug a 5 lb. breast pump back-and-forth to work everyday!

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