Wednesday, January 28, 2009

6 Months

(Photos courtesy of Grandpa Kornegay)

Can you believe Evie will be six months old on Saturday, January 31? She is growing up so fast! Everyday she seems to pick up a new skill or rediscover and improve upon an old favorite. Lately she has been... rolling from her tummy to her back and vice versa; almost sitting up on her own; reaching and grabbing for anything in her line of sight; blowing raspberries; sticking her tongue out all day; saying "mom mom mom"; laughing when tickled; pulling off her socks to suck on her toes; chowing down on her cereal; figuring out how to make the lights come on on her exersaucer; watching Calvin and Susie very intently. Blake and I are just amazed by her!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Kiley-She is so beautiful!!! She is at a great age-so many fun things to look forward to. Hope you all are well. love,kim