Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Curled Up with a Good Book

Evie definitely shares her dad's love of graphic novels. (My Little Pony in this case.)

Squishy Beads!

Darcy is a big fan of these squishy beads from Aunt Kim and Uncle Steve. They started out teeny tiny and grew quite big and bouncy and squishy in a glass of water. It's the simple things that kids seem to enjoy the most!

Christmas 2015

Here are a few pics from Christmas morning. Grandma and Grandpa were in town to enjoy the holiday with us, which made the day extra special. We spent the afternoon at Grammy and Pops' house, eating, drinking and simply enjoying the day together. We hope everyone had as nice a Christmas as the Mallard family did!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Mallards at Play

Grandma and Grandpa arrived yesterday to spend Christmas with us. (Yay!) Today Grandpa and I took the girls to a local park to get some of their pre-Christmas energy out!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Family Day at Common Ground Park

Today we took advantage of the beautiful fall weather (and Blake and I actually being off on the same day) and took the girls to Common Ground Park in Lakeland. Needless to say, we had a great time!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday Boat Ride

October Wrap-up

October was a very busy month for the Mallard Family! Here is a taste of what we got up to:
First, poor Darcy's face puffed up rather alarmingly for about a week (the picture above doesn't do it justice). Her pediatrician did not seem overly concerned and said it was either an allergic reaction or a virus. Whatever it was, it subsided in about a week thankfully.
Grammy got the girls these adorable Halloween T-shirts to get them in the spirit of the holiday.

On Oct. 25, we went to our church's fall festival and had a great time. We even won a new bike for the girls in the raffle!

Evie started a hip hop/jazz dance class earlier in the month. Here she is mugging for the camera after practice and a shower.

Dressed as Barbie as Super Sparkle and Lady Bug Girl for their schools' storybook parades on Oct. 30.

On Halloween, Ken and Tiff brought Aurora and Lucas over to our house to go trick-or-treating, which was a huge success. We have more candy than we can eat before Christmas! (And Blake even got in on the dress-up action. My own personal wookie!

Can't wait to see what November brings!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Here's how Evelyn explained her math answer on a test.  She was marked wrong but I think the explanation is genius. 

Grease Lightning

Evelyn has a very creative way of spelling her name.   Not Grace, but...

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sundays are for relaxing!

After we got home from church ( and Blake went on to work), the girls and I spent the afternoon relaxing. They played upstairs while Calvin and I "watched TV":

When the girls got antsy, we tried to go for a bike ride:

But about two seconds after I snapped the last picture it started raining so we ran back to house. 

Instead we played Halloween Bingo and charades. Love lazy afternoons with my girls!