Saturday, August 31, 2013

Killing Time

We had a couple hours to kill this morning so Grandpa and I took Darcy to the park and playground. I never mind killing time with these two!

Friday, August 30, 2013

On the Road

Darcy and I drove up to South Carolina today. She did remarkably well for a two and a half year old on an eight hour car ride. She kept herself busy reading her books and singing songs. Here she is taking a little nap somewhere in Georgia.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Open House

Today was a looooong day, as after work I went to Evie's open house. It was nice to hear she wasn't the only one getting yellow and red stars and to learn more about what her day is like and what she'll be learning this year. Now I am exhausted and going to crawl in bed with this fur ball and go to sleep. 'Night!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Green Star

Evie had a rocky start last week with learning to stay in her seat, raise her hand, etc. Today she got her first green star, which made us all so proud!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Alma Mater

Took a day trip today to Tallahassee to deal with some house stuff and see some friends. Always good to drive by my beloved alma mater. Makes me smile every time!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Work Out

I have never used a stability ball around the girls, but tonight they put on my headbands and were "exercising" with their beach balls. Cracked me up, especially Darcy, whose feet barely touched the ground when she was on the ball.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Today was a pretty yucky day all around so I am going to crawl into bed with my kitties, go to sleep and hope that tomorrow is a better day!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Busy Day

I didn't go to work today, but that doesn't mean it was a day off. First, I took Darcy back to her ear, nose and throat specialist to try and figure out what is causing her nonstop runny nose and cough. (The photo above is over her at the doctor's office picking her nose and will be used in the future to embarrass her in front of her boyfriends!) The doctor is pretty certain she has a chronic sinus infection (just as you suggested Colleen) so she has her on an antibiotic to get the ball rolling. She took a nasal swab to find out what type of bacteria we're dealing with, and we'll be doing a CT Scan in a week or two so she can get a better look inside her sinuses to see if there is something anatomically awry. She also ordered some blood work to see if Darcy's immune system is working properly.

Little girl was such a trooper through all of this and barely whimpered when they stuck the swab up her nose and stuck her arm with the needle. She seemed most excited about the lollipops and stickers she got for enduring all of this. I will update when we have some of the results back from all these tests. I sure hope we're finally getting to the bottom of all this and can get her fully healthy very soon.

Then this afternoon was the open house at Evie's new elementary school. It was nice to get a peek at everything before the big day. We met her teacher and dropped off her school supplies and she got to try out her seat. She and a few of her classmates were running around and playing like they'd been friends forever so I think she is going to be just fine. I, however, cannot believe my daughter is a Kindergartner! Where has the time gone?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pit Stop

The girls and I went to the mall today to get Evie new shoes for Kindergarten, and of course we had to stop at the little play area for awhile.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Today we spent some time with Blake's Aunt Connie and Uncle Bob who are down visiting from Virginia. They got the girls these adorable new PJs, which they insisted on wearing tonight. I may be biased, but are they not the cutest little girls you've ever seen? Thank you to Connie and Bob!

Friday, August 16, 2013

New Aspiration

This morning on the way to day care Evie says, "Mom, I know what I want to be when I grow up."

I asked her what, to which she replied, "A Tooth Fairy."

I suppose that is more realistic than giraffe!

Wrapping Up

Today was Evie's last day of summer camp so they sent all of her art home at the end of the day. This one is my favorite. I love how they made the scales from magazine pages.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Favorite Dinner ... For the Moment

Cauliflower Cashew Curry, with kidney beans, peas and raisins. Served over brown rice. Vegetarian goodness. (My in-laws are gagging right now.)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Woo Hoo

Found the last item on Evie's school supplies list at Staples today. Only took six stores (not counting the ones I called that were out). As it was, Staples only had three left and two are now mine. Woo hoo!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

New 'Do

Evie got a new hairdo today for Kindergarten and looks so beautiful and grown up. 

Friday, August 9, 2013


After going to five different stores looking (unsuccessfully) for composition books with picture space for Evie, I have a new appreciation for my own parents who did this for four kids every year. I can clearly remember my dad taking me to every Walgreens in town looking for a specific shade of lipstick for my color guard shows at the end of a work day. Nothing but love and appreciation for them.

A special thank you to my wonderful mother-in-law for helping me today and treating me to lunch. Nothing but love and appreciation for you, too. I am truly a blessed woman to have such supportive parents and parents-in-law.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Tonight is a cat picture kind of night. My creativity is tapped out. This week has been crazy busy at work. Insane. I am looking forward to enjoying my last Friday off tomorrow now that summer schedule is over. 'Night!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Umbrellas and Slippers

You know, for all the rain we get inside and those chilly Florida summer nights!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mommy's Bed

Evie asked if she could sleep in "Mommy's bed" tonight and since I didn't get home until after 8 tonight I said alright. I figured this way we'll get to spend time together, even if we're asleep!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Umbrella Tunnel

This was cute, but the real event of the day was finding the dead snake Calvin left for me in the garage. I was so freaked out I didn't think to take a picture of it. At least it was dead. These are the times I am happy to have a cat!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Day at the Beach

We spent the day at the beach and pool today and everyone is thoroughly worn out, but happy. Will be sad to see the Chins go tomorrow morning.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two Things


Evie had her five-year check up today. She was 75th percentile for height, a first for her to be so high. Her doctor predicted she'll be 5'8" based on her progression. We shall see...


The Chins are here for a visit! Yay!!