Monday, September 26, 2011


As Darcy's personality and appearance begin to take shape, people (we're not pointing any fingers) have begun to speculate who she looks like -- and we don't mean her relatives!

Here are some pictures (in some cases obscure) of what our precious angel has been compared to by her extended family:

"Who do you think I look like?"


"Sloth... Really?!"

"Now, you're just being cruel."

"Okay, I have put on a few pounds..."

"Wait, are you saying I'm the boy or the girl?"

"I look like what?!"

Baby Lucas

This is our newest nephew, Lucas Daniel! He is Ken and Tiffany's son born January 3, 2011. Not surprisingly, this little marshmallow is 90th percentile on all measurements! 

Cute Pictures of the Sisters

The chubby monkey on the right is their cousin Lucas on Blake's side of the family. 


Darcy is starting to babble. Here she is saying da-da. (Now to work on ma-ma!)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mirror, Mirror

Darcy just loooves looking at herself in the mirror. Such a girl!

Evie's "Put Me in the Zoo" Party

For Evie's third birthday party, we decided on a Put Me in the Zoo theme (For those who don't know, Put Me in the Zoo is a children's book by Robert Lopshire). Blake's mom and dad and his brother's family came up to Tallahassee to celebrate with us. Here are the highlights...

Blake and Ken took Evie to the pool while we decorated the house...

We read the book Put Me in the Zoo, then decorated our own zoo leopards with Evie's Do A Dot Markers.

Evie's loot.

Putting spots on her zoo leopard with Pops.

Uncle Kenny, Aunt Ti Ti and cousin Lucas.

Darcy is ready to party!

Here's a video of Evie blowing out the candles:

The aftermath: Wearing one of her new outfits, some dress up jewelry and shoes and playing with her three balloon. This balloon was by far Evie's favorite gift.