Saturday, February 28, 2009

Green Beans

So far, we have discovered that Evelyn loves sweet potatoes, peas, pears, peaches, bananas, even prunes. Green beans? Not so much. See the video below...

Sitting Up

Evie turned 7 months on Saturday, February 28! She can now sit up by herself (although only momentarily) and is starting to correct herself if she starts to tilt one way or another. We took this video right before bed the other night...

Our New Nest

Well, we sold our current home in record time (3 weeks!) so will be moving into our new house in mid-April. Here are a few video tours Kiley and I took of the new house. We went by today and took measurements of all the rooms to figure out where we were going to put our furniturere and start a list of "improvements" we'd like to make (fence in the back yard, tile back splash in the kitchen, patio out back, plant azaleas out front, etc.). Above is a picture of the outside.
Here is a video of the main living spaces:

This is the upstairs game room and the guest room:

This is Evie's room and what will one day be Baby Mallard #2's room:

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Sweetest Wake Up Call

Okay, so I should be working on Recent Gifts to FSU, but that is boring and I just wanted to share this precious moment from Monday morning...

I had brought Evie to bed with us somewhere in the wee hours of the morning, and we were all snoozing quite happily. I was suddenly awakened by a pat on my cheek and when I opened my eyes, Evie's big eyes were like two inches from mine. She had the sweetest grin on her face, like, "Mommy, I'm so excited you're here!" Those are the moments when everything seems worth it and I thank God that I am so blessed.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Evie No-No

Evelyn has started to mimic those around her. Here she is mimicking my niece Chloe saying no. Too precious.


This past Valentine's Day weekend Blake, Evie and I packed up and went to Atlanta to visit the entire family for Keith's birthday. Poor Evie had been sick the previous week with a little cold, but was starting to recover by the time we had packed up to leave. Thankfully, Blake's mom Dorene had come in to help us with Evie so we could get some sleep. The poor thing could hardly breathe and as a result was up crying most of the night. Grammy was always there to rock her in the wee hours of the morning. THANK YOU GRAMMY!!
Fortunately, Evie slept almost the entire five hours up to Atlanta. A most deserved rest. Once in town Evie was so excited to see her cousins, whom she hadn't seen since October, and her Aunt Christie and Uncle Keith, whom she'd never met! We had a great party for Keith where he opened all his presents in front of everyone, and we all got along and had a great time. Stephen Chin was awesome as he prepared steaks, popcorn shrimp, potatoes, sweet and sour pork and many other homemade goodies. THANK YOU STEPHEN!!
Evie was passed around so much that Blake and I started to go thru withdrawl. :( On Monday we were happy to have another long nap day and return back to our nice clean house. It was a great weekend, and we can't wait to see the kids again. I can't believe that I'm the only sibling under 30 now... I guess I should live it up while I can. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEITH!!

Feeding Time

Evie has enjoyed the sweet potatoes we've been giving her. Oddly she has not been liking the fruity baby foods. She seems to think peaches, pears and bananas are gross, but the mushed sweet potatoes are her favorite. She even likes to feed herself!

Crib Stuck!

Evie has been getting stuck in her crib lately. She starts off fine, but at some point either during her naps or in the evening she gets all tangled up in the slots on the crib. For whatever reason this doesn't seem to bother her.