Since her birthday in July we have been moving Evie away from baby mode and into big girl mode. Kiley and I believe this happens in three steps...
STEP 1: Dress yourself.
Evie has learned to pick out her clothes and dress herself. This is good and bad news as she now takes FOREVER to get dressed. She has learned that the "taggies go in the back" when she puts on her pants and to put your head through the hole first (a very important life lesson). An unfortunate side effect to all this is Evie will now pitch a tantrum if you try to dress her ("I want to do it!"), which makes life difficult when we are in a hurry.
STEP 2: Poop in the potty.
Potty training has been an interesting journey. Evie got peeing in the potty pretty quickly after seeing all her friends do it. However, she still has occasional accidents. Pooping has been a little more difficult. She would poop in her pants and then say "I've got poops in there!" (which is what we used to ask her when she had a dirt diaper). We were getting frustrated because most of her friends and kids her age were already potty trained. Lately it seems as though our persistence has paid off. It has been two weeks since Evie has used a pull up and is in big girl underwear 100 percent of the time. And while she does still have poopy accidents at school she does go regularly at home (mostly because she has discovered the joy of reading on the pot).
STEP 3: Eat what we eat at dinner.

In all honesty, unless she's eating spaghetti or ice cream there's not a whole lot she'll eat readily on her own. It takes some prodding to get her to pick up the fork and even then we find ourselves having to put the food in her mouth at times. She'll eat her veggies and meats, but it takes a lot of work. So we count the small blessings.
Overall two out of three isn't bad. The hardest part is knowing that in three years, we'll be going through this all over again with Fussbucket (aka Darcy)!